• +254-767 000 000 | +254-790 030 000
  • cwa@cyberweekafrica.com
  • University of Nairobi, Kenya

Side Events & Exhibits

Side events offer an additional significant opportunity for stakeholders to participate in the Cyberweek Africa 2024 Conference. Side events could be organized either in-person inside the Conference Venue, or virtually.

The chance to plan side events outside of the conference will be available to all accredited organizations taking part in Cyberweek Africa 2024.

A crucial component of the Cyberweek Africa Conference, side activities will occur in addition to the official program, which includes roundtables and plenaries.

Organizations interested in organizing a side event are asked to apply by sending an application to the following email: cwa@cyberweekafrica.com .

Thematic Categories

In-Person, Conference Venue

Side Events Programme inside the Conference Venue can be found here